
Hypnotherapy in action!

Hypnotherapy can be helpful in treating many physical, emotional and psychological issues, from the more serious clinical conditions such as PTSD, panic attacks and phobia, to the more common phenomena such as anxiety, grief and low self-esteem.  It can also be very effective in pain management for patients going through surgical procedures.  Don’t just take my word for it, below is a BBC documentary on science of hypnosis, “YES, IT WORKS“, from the scientist.

Hypnotherapy can also be used as meditation induced and directed by the therapist.  As we move our life along in this ever demanding and competitive world, stress and confusion can often stand in our way to live a fulfilled life.  Relaxation and meditation is much needed for most people to find peace and truth in our mind every now and again before moving on. Whatever is the reason that has taken you to this site, congratulations as you have stepped on fascinating journey of discovery! 

Below are a few examples of what I can help with, click here to book an initial consultation or a full therapy session to find out more!


Anxiety is often a normal, albeit unpleasant part of life.  It is a result of our internal “danger alert” system which generates adrenaline that would increase the heart rate and boost the amount of oxygen going to our limbs so we were better able to fight or run from danger.  Anxiety itself is beneficial and sometimes essential to enable our survival.  However, when anxiety persists and dominates our lives, and becomes out of proportion, it is time to tackle it.




We all have had sleepless nights, sometimes due to worry, sometimes due to excitement.  It is becoming more and more common as we learn to cope with an increasingly complex world.  There never seems to be enough time to do everything, and sleeping doesn’t seem to be the priority, and for some people, even when there is enough time to sleep, the sleep doesn’t seem to be sufficiently restful.  When the issue prevails in life, it can affect your energy level and stop you from performing daily task, then it need to fixed.




Unless you have a twisted soul, it is entirely normal not to like or even fear certain things such as snakes, darkness and spiders.  Some of these fears are programmed in our instinct for our own safety.  But certain fears can be excessive and irrational where no danger is presented, for example, fear of buttons and open space, and they could be annoying or even disabling, especially when you are fully aware of it yourself but could not do anything about it, then it could be a clinical phobia and needs to be dealt with.




Pain often serves as a “messenger” for us to attend to issues on our physical health, being a cut, burn, fracture or inflammation.  Our body is wired to detect pain and move away from it to avoid harm.  However, there are situations where the pain given us false messages, “phantom limp” for example, or we know the “message” pain is giving but can’t fix it, chronic pains for example, or pain killer and anethesia is not an option because of allergic reactions, then pain becomes unnecessary and debilitating and needs to be managed.



Panic Attacks

Our life journey is dotted with very important moments and occasions, job interviews, exams, auditions, weddings to name a few, and it is entirely normal to feel overwhelmed and nervous, we might feel our heart pounding and hands sweating, these sensations can help us concentrate our energy to “fight the battle”.  However, if they go out of control and develop into more severe symptoms such as nausea, out of breath or dissociation from the body, or even worse, if they occur without any triggers, they will definitely need addressing.



Low Self-Esteem

We are all a product of “nature” and “nurture”.  Our gene and life experience define who we are and what we believe including how we think of ourselves, our beliefs influence our behaviour, which in turn reinforce our beliefs, it works as a virtuous or vicious circle.  We might not be able to change our gene, but we can certainly change our beliefs and set our path in different directions.  However, it is easy said than done, especially if the beliefs are deeply rooted from childhood experience which you may have forgotten, this is where help will be needed.